4 Useful Tips on What To Do With Inherited Coin Collection

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Written By Natasha Jones
I'm Natasha Jones, an avid collector of coins, stamps, and paper money. My passion drives me to seek unique finds, from antique shops to international exchanges. I enjoy connecting with fellow collectors through forums and meet-ups, sharing discoveries and insights.

It’s always exciting to discover that someone you love has left you something in their will.

Well, when that something happens to be a coin collection, you might start to wonder what you should do with it.

Fortunately, I can assist in addressing those inquiries and dispelling some of the ambiguity surrounding inherited coin collections.

What To Do With Inherited Coin Collection?


If you have inherited a coin collection from your parents, you can take a few steps to get the most out of your inheritance.

First, you must decide how much time and effort you’re willing to spend researching and organizing the coins. If this intrigues you, then go for it!

If you’re not up for it, you might want to think about selling or donating the collection instead of taking on more work for yourself.

Next, let’s determine which details regarding the coins and their worth are crucial to preserving them as a part of your family’s legacy.

If you have notes or stories attached to certain pieces that would be meaningful to keep with them on display in their case (which is another option), you should consider doing so before deciding whether or not they should be sold off altogether.

1. Appraise It


Appraising your coin collection is a crucial step in determining its value.

Well, you see, the value of your coins is determined by a few factors, such as how rare they are, what condition they’re in, and how much demand there is for that particular coin or series of coins.

Determining the worth of a collectible can be quite challenging if you are not aware of what type of collectible you possess.

So, an appraisal can provide you with an estimation of the potential value of your coins, taking into account these factors.

Additionally, they would ask you when you began collecting and if any of the coins were acquired as gifts or bought as investments (or both).

You can also look at auction results from previous years to see how many similar coins sold for you.

This information will help you determine if there has been an increase or decrease in price since then.

I can tell you that appraisers can provide more information regarding the specific coins in your collection.

They might inform you that a coin from 1822 should be sold for a certain amount at an auction or suggest that you purchase books on coin collecting to enhance your knowledge on the subject.

It’s always beneficial to read up on the field to better understand what the appraiser is doing with your collection.

2. Inventory It


If you have decided to keep the collection, it is time to take inventory of it. You can do this either by hand or with the assistance of an online tool.

If you like the idea of doing it old school, you can start by creating a spreadsheet or notebook that lists each coin’s date, value, and description.

I have written an article about the best ways to inventory a coin collection. Make sure to check it out!

3. Determine Value


It’s best to assess the value of your coins before you sell them. I can help you figure out what to do with your inherited coin collection and how much it’s valued.

To do this, you’ll need to find a coin appraisal service or catalog listing the values of various coins. You can find these either at your local libraries or on the Internet.

Once you know how much each of your coins is worth, you can decide whether or not it’s worth selling them off individually or holding onto them until they appreciate.

4. Decide What To Do With It Based On Your Finding


Before deciding what to do with your collection, it’s important to consider the value of your find. If you have no interest in the collection and want to sell it, several options are available.

If you’re lucky, you could always try a local coin show or auction house. You never know.

Someone might be interested in purchasing your coins for their historical significance alone.

Alternatively, if you want to keep them but also make some cash from them (no harm in dreaming), you can store them indefinitely until their value increases enough that selling is worth your time—or you can sell them now while they’re still affordable.

If you’re considering storing some items, getting some storage space is a good idea. A safe deposit box could be a great option!


If you decide to sell the collection, you’ll have to determine whether it holds any worth.

Folks, please don’t assume that old and collectible coins are valuable just by their appearance.

Before you sell or trade them, it’s important to have an expert assess them to ensure you get a fair price!

Before you go…

A coin collection is one of the most common items that people inherit. As such, you must know what to do with this valued item and how best to protect your inheritance. In this post, we have provided some tips on what you can do with an inherited coin collection and how we can help protect your family heirlooms.

Check out my next article: “What You Need To Know About Taxes For Coin Collection.”

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