It’s the 21st century, and more people than ever are collecting coins. But what about modern coins? Are they worth collecting?
What are Modern Coins?

Modern coins are any coins minted after 1964.
You might have heard of them being called copper pennies or silver dimes, but they’re all modern coins to collectors.
There are a few types of modern coins that can be collected:
- Penny (copper)
- Nickel
- Dime (silver)
- Quarter (25-cent coin)
- Half Dollar (50 cent coin)
The only exception is the dollar bill—you can’t collect those because they aren’t made of metal!
Is it Worth Collecting Modern Coins?
The answer to that is a resounding yes. But it’s not enough to say it.
First, you must understand why collecting modern coins is worth your time and effort. Collecting modern coins can be enjoyable in many ways.
It can help you create positive memories with family members or friends, help you learn more about history, and even be fun!
In addition, there are some practical benefits, like using the money you collect for other things.
So if you want an enjoyable hobby with perks, collecting modern coins is just what you need!
Advantages of Collecting Modern Coins
There are many advantages to collecting modern coins, which will be discussed in this article.
- Modern coins are more affordable than older coins: You can usually find a complete set of modern coins for less than $100, but it would cost you much more to complete an older set. For example, the current price for a single 1909 Lincoln penny is about $400; the same coin in mint condition would sell for over $2 million!
- Modern coins are easy to store: The new plastic cases that hold paperback books can also hold your collection of modern coins because they’re made from transparent plastic and have pockets specifically designed for holding small items like cards or stamps. They also stack neatly on empty shelves, so they only take up a little space in your home (or office).
- Modern coins are easier to carry around: If you want fun with your friends while out at restaurants or bars this weekend but don’t feel like carrying heavy bags filled with “worthless junk,” bring along some change instead! It’s probably okay if some people think those old pennies aren’t worth anything – after all, it’s just what happens when people retire from their careers as experts on coinage history who now spend their days working at IKEA instead – but everyone knows how cool those shiny new quarters look next time they’re placed alongside other types of currency (such as bills), especially since some of them have unique designs created especially for collectors who love having pretty things around their house.”
Disadvantages of Collecting Modern Coins
But before you jump on board, you should know a few things about modern coins.
- They’re not as valuable as rare coins. A modern coin may be worth more than its face value, but it will fetch only a tiny sum of money, like an antique coin.
- They’re more collectible than vintage coins. Vintage coins were minted in years when production was high, and many were still in circulation at the end of their lifespan—which means that there are more out there than those produced during other eras. This makes them easier to find and harder to track down! Also, these older designs tend to be preferred by collectors over newer ones—so if you’re shopping around for something really special, this might be your best bet!
- They’re not as attractive as antique coins (or ancient ones). Antique or Ancient coins offer another benefit: they’re old enough to have some historical significance attached to them! There are plenty of stories surrounding who owned them first or what they were used for back then–and while modern coinage might have some cool imagery, too (like Mickey Mouse™), it doesn’t hold nearly the same weight when it comes down to preserving history through artful design alone.
Examples of Modern Coins
Modern coins were minted by the United States Mint starting in 1964.
Unlike previous years, modern coins are made of copper-nickel or other alloys, creating a more durable coin that looks nicer than older coins.
The public also inspired these newer designs to reflect current events and pop culture references of their time.
If you’re looking to get started collecting modern coins, here are some famous examples:
Lincoln Penny (Pre-1982)

The Lincoln cent was set to be recast as an aluminum coin in the mid-1970s due to the copper price rise.
However, the United States government approved a new composition for the Lincoln cent, which saw the last year of production as a 95% copper coin.
Therefore, in 1982, the Lincoln cent was reimagined as a copper-plated zinc coin, keeping its total production cost under its face value.
1983 Washington Quarters

In the 1980s, the Philadelphia Mint struck more than 673.5 million 1983 Quarter dollars.
What makes this coin one of the most famous modern coins in history is that, out of the 673.5 million units produced, more than 1,000 of them are graded by the PCGS, 11 of them having an MS-67 grade. One MS-67 grade coin was sold for $1,925!
Eisenhower Dollars

The first one-dollar coin issued by the U.S. Mint since the Peace dollar series in 1935.
In 1965, the Mint decided to produce coins using copper-nickel clad instead of silver because of the rise of prices in metals and billions.
Although the coin contained 40% silver, collectors still seek out this particular coin due to its unusual size and history!
Before you go…
The coins included in the modern series are not just limited to the United States. Many other countries also have their versions of these coins. Is it worth collecting these coins? The answer will depend on your goal and how much money you want to spend collecting them. It’s important to know that even though these coins may have little value today, they can still be an investment tool for future generations!
Check out my next article: ““Essential” Guide To Eisenhower Dollar.”
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