How to Sell Coins on eBay? Get The Best Out of Your Coins

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Written By Natasha Jones
I'm Natasha Jones, an avid collector of coins, stamps, and paper money. My passion drives me to seek unique finds, from antique shops to international exchanges. I enjoy connecting with fellow collectors through forums and meet-ups, sharing discoveries and insights.

eBay is the best choice if you’re looking for an easier and more convenient way to sell your coins online.

You can easily list items and get paid within 24 hours after they are sold. But first, let me tell you the benefits of selling on eBay:

Why Sell Coins on eBay?

eBay is a great place to sell coins because of the many buyers.

eBay has been a trusted name in the online auction industry for over two decades and has an excellent reputation as a safe place to buy and sell products online.

You can also rest assured that you will be protected by eBay’s Buyer Protection Program, which offers buyers up to $20,000 in coverage against fraud or non-receipt claims from sellers who do not deliver their items as promised.

How to Sell Coins on eBay:

Finding Items to Sell


Find items that are in demand. eBay is the world’s largest marketplace, and people need what they have to sell.

The more demand for an item, the more likely it will sell for a reasonable price.

Look for easy-to-sell items. Finding things that will be easy and convenient to sell on eBay is essential since this can take away your profits.

Also, try looking for things with precise descriptions and photos so potential buyers understand exactly what they’re getting before buying them from you!

Listing Your Item

Choosing a category is the most important thing you can do when listing an item.

If you choose the right category, your coin will be seen by more potential buyers and sell faster. If you choose the wrong category, it may never get any bids.

Some eBay categories apply only to certain types of items: for example, if your coin is less than $1.00 in value and weighs less than 1 ounce (28g), then it should go into “Coins: Modern World” rather than “Coins: Ancient World.”

It’s also important to pick a proper subcategory within these broad categories.

For instance, if your coin is from 2002-2008 but not 2008-present day, then select “Coins: US – 20th Century – 2001-2002.”

Writing a Description


Writing your copy is the most important part of the selling process.

If you can describe what you have in a way that will attract potential buyers, it will sell.

The goal is to make your listing as appealing as possible while being accurate and honest.

This means giving good descriptions, showing clear pictures that show off all sides of the coin, and eliminating as many distractions as possible (like ads).

Don’t be vague or general about anything—your goal should always be to provide specific details about each coin condition, grade, and rarity factor (see below).

If it’s not easy for people who aren’t experts on coins like yourself to understand exactly how much better than average grades or rarities yours are compared with others, then don’t use any such terms!

Instead, say what kind it is, e.g., “This 1851 quarter has been graded MS65 by NGC”.

The only exception here might be if there’s something special about its grade/condition, but even then, try not to use words like “rare” unless they’re true (i.e., if everybody would consider them rare).

Quality Images

When you take pictures of your coins, use a good background. A solid color or patterned background best showcases the coin’s details.

If you have a lightbox and macro lens, this will help you get the best shot possible.

Using a phone camera, use the highest resolution and lowest noise possible.

You can also edit your photos using software such as Photoshop or Lightroom.

This can help focus on specific areas of interest in the coin or ensure it looks its best before posting it online as an image file (JPEG).

Pricing Your Item


Pricing your coin is the most important aspect of selling coins on eBay.

If you sell the coin for too much, no one will be interested in buying it.

On the other hand, if you sell your item for less than what it’s worth, then there’s no reason why anyone should buy from you.

The thing about pricing your coins is that it’s more complex than comparing prices from different sellers and determining which one is offering a better deal.

The market value of a specific coin depends on various factors, including its condition and rarity level.

Determine its grade using an online grading guide like Numismatic Guaranty Corporation or Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS).

Naturally, the higher the grade of your coin is, the more money it’ll fetch on eBay.

But remember that not all sellers offer high-quality grading services, so before listing anything on eBay, ensure they provide top-notch services as these two companies do!


Don’t use a box, bubble wrap, paper, or toploader. These materials are too bulky and will cost you a lot in shipping fees.

Also, avoid using any coin capsule as it will likely break open during transit, damaging the coin.

Instead, use a padded envelope like those you get from your bank when they mail you an ATM card; this keeps your coins safe and secure while being lightweight and inexpensive to ship!

Tips for Selling Coins on eBay


First, make sure your listing looks professional.

If it’s not obvious that you know what you’re doing and have done your research, buyers will be more likely to pass over your listing to someone who seems knowledgeable about their product.

That’s why it’s essential to invest in a high-quality camera and use a template that makes sense for the product being sold—these details will show potential buyers that this is an item worth buying from you.

Second, take clear photos of the coin or other collectible item sold so potential buyers know exactly what they’re getting when they purchase from you!

Of course, depending on what item is being sold (and its condition), some sellers may choose not to include photos to avoid revealing any details about its current value or condition before purchasing it themselves first.

However, even still, there should be some amount here which shows off how much effort went into creating such items during their creation process as well as throughout history since then until now today too!

Finally, most importantly, all three together work best when selling collectibles online, like coins through eBay auctions where people want something cool like this instead of just buying something new every day at Walmart, etcetera.

Before you go…

Remember that the more effort you put into your listings and photos, the better your chances of a successful sale. So make sure to take some good pictures of the coin and post an in-depth description of its features, specifications, and quality so that potential buyers can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to buy from you!

Check out my next article: “5 Steps in Selling Old Coins Online Successfully.”

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