What does Flocked mean in Funko Pop? Flocked is a term that is commonly used in the Funko Pop community to describe a specific type of texture on the vinyl figures.
When a Funko Pop is flocked, it means that it has a fuzzy or velvety texture on certain parts of the figure. This texture is created by adding a layer of flocking material to the vinyl.
Flocked Funko Pops are highly sought-after by collectors, as they are often produced in limited quantities and are considered to be more rare than standard vinyl figures.
The flocking material is usually applied to specific areas of the figure, such as the hair or fur, to give it a more realistic look and feel.
If you’re new to the world of Funko Pop collecting, you may be wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to flocked figures.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what flocked means in the context of Funko Pops, and explore why these figures are so popular among collectors.
What Does Flocked Mean in Funko Pop?
Grab the closest Funko Pop and examine the collectible’s texture. It feels plastic, am I right? On the other hand, a flocked Funko Pop has a fabric layer over some of the figurines.
Nowadays, flocked toys are uncommon, but Funko Pop has a variety of figurines with this extra feature. The material has a fine fur-like, almost suede-like appearance.
The texture is primarily used for Funko Pops that feature animals. Of course, there are non-flocked variations of every flocked version. If you plan to buy a flocked Funko Pop, put it on display somewhere it won’t get dirty or damaged.
How to Take Care of Your Flocked Funko Pop?
Nothing is worse than your Funko Pop figurines getting marked if you’re an avid collector (or even have a passing interest). You might have damaged it accidentally, dropped it, or moved it and sustained some damage.
Even worse are Funko Pops with flocking. You should avoid attempting to scrub away stains or dirt from the fabric because it is delicate.
That will spread the mud and make it worse quickly. Watch Spongebob try to remove paint from Mr. Krab’s first dollar to get the idea if you need a good example. Aside from keeping flocked Funko Pops in their boxes, a Tide Pen works best.
In addition to using hydrogen peroxide to remove the stain, this method is gentle, won’t rub off the fabric, and doesn’t require water to work. Additionally, an air compressor can remove dust quickly if you prefer having it out of the box.
Examples of Flocked Funko Pops:
Lord Beerus

Even Goku and Vegeta working together, let alone Goku himself, could not defeat Beerus, the God of destruction.
Beerus grooms himself, constantly enjoying long naps, and not only has a cat’s appearance. Additionally, he has a fiery temper and lashes out at unimportant things.
They were about to end the universe when Goku transformed into Super Saiyan God to battle Beerus, but thankfully that didn’t happen.
But given Goku’s unwavering commitment to improving himself and helping to defend the universe, he might even surpass Beerus. Despite that, Beerus would still be unaffected because, in his words, “Before creation… comes destruction.”

Kurama is a powerful nine-tailed beast that hates people for their desire for power. Many people desired to take control of Kurama and use it as a weapon in battle.
Fortunately, the beast was encased inside some characters known as Jinchriki. Because of this, many people could not control the Kurama, but Naruto’s viewpoint and love had an impact.
“Demolish everything… Delete everything that causes you pain. Give me your heart, please. I’ll spare you the pain you’re going through.” Then, as Naruto demonstrated that he deserved Kurama’s power, Kurama said to him.
Angry Pikachu

Even if you don’t watch Pokemon, you must be familiar with Pikachu; some people aren’t even familiar with Ash, Pikachu’s owner.
Pikachu is a Pokemon of the electric type that later becomes Raichu. Pikachu enjoys eating apples, berries, and ketchup. In addition, Pikachus have the amusing characteristic of recharging while sleeping.
People also think Pikachu should be free, but Pikachu doesn’t want to leave Ash. Pikachu and Ash come across a pack of wild Pikachu in one scene.
When Ash notices Pikachu is content, he releases him. Pikachu, however, quickly leaps into Ash’s arms to let him know that he is already content with him.
The Grinch

Grinch is a hateful individual with a heart about two sizes too small. The Grinch is still terrorizing Whoville and destroying their celebrations.
He dislikes happiness in Whoville more than he dislikes Christmas, though. The Grinch only has a dog named Max as a companion.
Max remains devoted to Grinch even though he mistreats his dog and wants to parade him around like a reindeer.
Finally, the Grinch changes and develops into a kind and loving person in How the Grinch Stole Christmas, even though he is frequently cruel and mischievous.
Before you go…
We hope that you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below!
Check out my next article: “Are Chase Funko Pops Rare?“
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